Making sense of numbers and words: Statistical methods |
This website serves as a notice board and advertorial. I've now retired and while I'm happy to chat about things methodological, and can refer you to others who are able to assist, I'm not looking for work any longer. However, for the sake of those who might be after some of my historically collated information, I've left various pages intact (see below). The site links to papers that canvas methodological matters such as:
The site provides elementary guides on the use of selected quantitative and qualitative software programs (SPSS, AMOS, Leximancer, and NVivo) either in terms of how to do specific analyses or on how to report the outcomes of such analyses. On a more personal note, the site provides links to a skimpy biography, an outline of some work-related colleagues and other sites of general interest. If you want more information about any of the stuff mentioned on this page, feel free to contact me directly. Peter Grimbeek |